o What is the current open status of our swim school?
- With approval from San Mateo County Health authority, we resumed swim lessons the week of June 22nd
- Students who are safe to swim under the distancing guidelines have been invited to resume swim lessons
- On December 8th we were notified by our SMC Health Services department that learn to swim businesses are deemed essential by the California Department of Public Health
o What are the current safety requirements for learn to swim businesses operating from indoor pools?
- Distance guidelines are still in effect and impact the number of students and instructors in the pool at one time. 50% or less (two instructors and four students)
- Instructors must wear face shields while in the pool
- Students are not required to wear face coverings during lesson time
- Visitors on deck must wear face coverings and follow distancing guidelines
o Will the pool water be safe for swimmers?
- Yes, we follow all safety guidelines for indoor pools from San Mateo County Health Services
- Protective bacterial and virous fighting protocols are in place throughout the facility, and exceed guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Our pool water remains as safe as always. We will continue diligent monitoring throughout each day – which exceed our health department requirements.
- Additional safety protocols are posted at our pool facility
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